Mutant Mayhem amidst SAG-AFTRA strike

Publish date: 2024-06-03

YouTube star Jimmy "MrBeast" made headlines after he revealed his role in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. In an Instagram Story, the content creator promoted the film and wrote, "I'm in a movie, check it out, lol." On August 3, 2023, Twitter user @Dexertonox shared the update on their social media handle and stated:

"YouTuber Mr Beast promotes his role in 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem' on Instagram, crossing the SAG-AFTRA picket line during the actors' strike."

The tweet ended up receiving over 2.3 million impressions, with more than 9,000 likes. MrBeast responded, claiming that he was legally obligated to promote the movie because he signed the contract prior to the strike. Additionally, he pledged to donate to the cause to make his "support clear."

The YouTuber's most recent tweet reads:

"False, this is a contract I signed pre-strike and was legally obligated to promote. This falls under the exceptions they have outlined. Regardless, to make my support clear, I'll make a donation later tonight."

In response, the Twitter user said:

"Your showing of support is appreciated! A correction will be issued, and we are awaiting a response from SAG for confirmation. Would you also be able to clarify your standing with SAG-AFTRA? Are you a current union member or applying to be in the union?"

"MrBeast has a target on his back" - Netizens react to the YouTuber receiving flack for promoting his role in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

As expected, the Kansas native's response to the controversy has elicited quite a lot of reactions on Twitter. @MTGrepp joked that the person who predicted how much money MrBeast would donate would receive a cookie:

Others commented acknowledged that projects need to be promoted due to contractual agreements:

Twitter user @spid3ys3ns3s lauded Jimmy for his honesty:

Drama Alert also shared the YouTuber's controversy earlier today and wrote:

In response, one community member commented:

"MrBeast has a target on his back. People eventually grow weary of other people's success and try to take them down."

Some of the more pertinent reactions were along these lines:

Twitter user @Dexertonox followed up, claiming to have contacted SAG-AFTRA for clarification on the YouTuber's situation regarding promoting his role in the film while the strike is still in effect:

For those unaware, MrBeast appears as the "Times Square Guy" in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. Additionally, several prominent celebrities, including John Cena, Seth Rogen, Ice Cube, Paul Rudd, and more, make cameo appearances.

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