How to kill Lanzo Baumann
Rebellion Development’s recent franchise entry Sniper Elite 5, has garnered much success and popularity amongst fans. Players are having a great time with some of the missions that the new title has to offer, and while the stealth aspect of the game is a bit challenging, being able to kill targets in multiple ways is what makes the grind so rewarding.
One such mission that many players have been having a tough time completing is the Festung Gurnsey Kill challenge, which is the 5th mission in the title where players will be required to kill Lanzo Baumann.
The mission is very challenging because players will have to use every stealth knowledge at their disposal to kill the target and then bury him in cement without raising any alarms.
Hence, today’s guide will look to help those out who are still struggling to complete the Festung Guernsey Kill challenge in Sniper Elite 5.
Completing the Festung Guernsey Kill challenge in Sniper Elite 5
Lanzo Bauman can be found on the map's northern side near the construction area. As soon as the missions begin, players will need to make their way southwards until they encounter an open field.
If players are looking for a workbench, they will be able to locate one inside a house near the construction site itself.
Hence, they can make their way to where Lanzo Baumann is from the open field. Upon encountering him, Sniper Elite 5 players will notice that the target is near a set of cement mixer controls and there will be various ways by which they can take him out. However, the best way would be to sabotage the mixer itself.
To be able to do so, players must first:
- Make their way to the wooden railings nearby to dismantle it, and they must do it in stealth mode. When the target is looking away, they can sabotage the mixer, but this will make him suspicious and start to look around.
- At this point, Lanzo will approach the area to investigate and lean on the railings. As players have already loosened and dismantled it, Lanzo will slip and fall to his death, making it look like an accident.
- An alternate way would be to approach him from behind when alone. Players will then be able to knock him unconscious, opening up the option of caring for his body near the wooden railing once again.
- After taking him there, the prompt will appear to throw him over the railings into the cement pit. Indulging in which will plummet Lanzo to his death while at the same time getting buried in cement. However, this method is a bit time-consuming, and players will be required to be patient when executing it.
Sabotaging the mixer and dismantling the wooden railings will be the easiest way to complete Festung Guernsey in Sniper Elite 5. After completing it successfully, players will be rewarded with a Type 100 gun.
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