Interview: Cover Drive - CelebMix

When we first heard Cover Drive’s ‘Lick Ya Down’ in 2011, we knew that their fresh, carefree music would score huge success… and it did! Their sizzling track Twilight secured the group their first UK number one single, and follow-up Sparks also made the top five. Collaborating with the likes of Far East Movement and N Dubz’ Dappy, Cover Drive are a household name in the UK and are now back with a stunning new sound and a new single, Lovesick Riddim.
In a first for, we asked you to help us interview the band, and you submitted some amazing questions via Twitter. We then whittled them down to our favourites and got you some answers! Check out our world exclusive interview right here…
What was the inspiration behind new single ‘Lovesick Riddim’? (From @IamFese_)
Break ups are always hard but they are especially hard when you know it’s your fault that things ended badly. When it happens that way, you don’t only have the heartbreak to deal with but the guilt and that’s the worst. I wanted to write about what it feels like to miss someone so badly that you’d do anything to see them again. It’s the kind of longing that makes you feel physically ill. That’s why the songs is called ‘Lovesick Riddim’. All you can do is think about them and wonder what they’re doing or where they are and ,even though you know it’s over, you hold on to the slightest hope that maybe they could forgive you and you could be together again. I really wanted to capture this kind of break up in the song from the perspective of a woman who has done the wrong, not the guy. It’s something that we hadn’t written about before but it’s so real for a lot of women.
Do you have a name for your second album yet? (From @CoverDrivePL)
Not yet! We are still working on the second album, we’ll have the name when we’ve chosen all of the songs! ‘Lovesick Riddim’ is actually the first single off of our EP ‘Limin’ in Limbo’. We decided to release an EP so our fans can have new music while we work on finishing the second album. The more music the better! We don’t want to starve our fans!
What can we expect from the new album? And how are you going to top Bajan Style? (From @Andrew13AST)
There is definitely an evolution happening on this second album. We’ve grown so much as musicians and people since we started writing our first album almost three years ago. It seems crazy to say because it feels like yesterday, but time flies when you’re having fun I guess! We’ve had so many experiences these past few years, mostly good and some bad, and they’ve given us a lot to write about. You’ll definitely feel a more mature version of Cover Drive through the lyrics and musicality of our new songs but don’t worry, we aren’t abandoning our fun caribbean influences! We still have plenty island vibes on these new records!
Who would be your ultimate collaboration, and why!?
No Doubt, No Doubt, No Doubt, Ed Sheeran and No Doubt… Did we say No Doubt?
What video was the most fun to shoot? (From @emmajolene)
All My Love hands down! That video was crazy fun! We all played these wacky characters not only on camera but off camera for the entire day. You should see ‘Leroylicious’ (T-Ray’s character) interacting with ‘Mermandia’ the mermaid (Amanda). There’s a reason King Triton didn’t want Ariel to go on land… I’m pretty sure Leroylicious was it!
Who chooses Amanda’s outfits in the videos? (From @greekgoddess96)
For Lovesick Riddim, Twilight, Lick Ya down, All My Love, and Sparks I styled myself with my manager. We do the styling for most of the videos and have heavy input in all the rest. For Turn Up The Love and Explode we had very specific ideas of what it was I wanted to wear and we brought people in to help us execute it. Sometimes if we can’t find what we’re looking for we’ll just get it made!
What’s the best part of being in the best band ever? (From @emmajolene)
It’s simple really… being in the best band ever means we get the BEST FANS EVER!
Who gets the most scared when you’re about to perform? (From @Rissa_sweetie1)
We all get pretty nervous before we hit the stage! We’re going to have to give the title to Jamar though. His PEP’s (performance enhancing poops) tell us his stomach is the most unsettled before a gig!
Do you have any plans for another tour soon? (From @AbeGolding)
We would love to do a tour soon. We’re definitely working to make that happen! (Cover Drive later confirm that they will be doing a tour in the UK in early November).
How did you become famous? (From @AliyahBriannaSm)
We were discovered through YouTube and our first gig was opening for Rihanna so that definitely gave us a push in the right direction. But, we give all credit for our success to our fans. Without them none of this would have been possible. We love you CD Fielders!
Would you guys ever date a fan? (From @Rissa_sweetie1)
Well, it depends on the fan!
Finally, do you have a message for all your dedicated CD Fielders?
We love you CD Fielders! Thank you for being the best fans, support system, and family in the world! We’re sending all our love from Barbados to wherever you are in the world!
Cover Drive’s new song, Lovesick Riddim, is available to download on iTunes now. The band will also be performing in the UK this November, and tickets are available through O2 Priority now.