Equivalent Fractions for 9/12
Publish date: 2024-06-23

List some equivalent fractions of
Check if we can simplify our fraction
GCF(9, 12) = 3
Since we have a GCF ≠ 1, we divide numerator and denominator by the GCF = 3
This is our first equivalent fraction, simplified. We use this fraction to build more equivalent fractions
Equivalent Fraction Definition
A fraction of equal value
Multiply top and bottom by 2
Multiply top and bottom by 3
Multiply top and bottom by 4
Multiply top and bottom by 5
Multiply top and bottom by 6
Multiply top and bottom by 7
Multiply top and bottom by 8
Multiply top and bottom by 9
Multiply top and bottom by 10
Multiply top and bottom by 11
Multiply top and bottom by 12
Multiply top and bottom by 13
Multiply top and bottom by 14
Multiply top and bottom by 15
Multiply top and bottom by 16
Multiply top and bottom by 17
Multiply top and bottom by 18
Multiply top and bottom by 19
Multiply top and bottom by 20
Some equivalent fractions for 9/12 are:
{6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20, 18/24, 21/28, 24/32, 27/36, 30/40, 33/44, 36/48, 39/52, 42/56, 45/60, 48/64, 51/68, 54/72, 57/76, 60/80}

What is the Answer?
{6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20, 18/24, 21/28, 24/32, 27/36, 30/40, 33/44, 36/48, 39/52, 42/56, 45/60, 48/64, 51/68, 54/72, 57/76, 60/80}
How does the Equivalent Fractions Calculator work?
Free Equivalent Fractions Calculator - Given a fraction, this will determine equivalent fractions
This calculator has 1 input.
What 3 formulas are used for the Equivalent Fractions Calculator?
Start with fraction n/d
Let i = 2 through 10
Multiply n and d by i to get your new equivalent fractionFor more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier
What 3 concepts are covered in the Equivalent Fractions Calculator?
equivalencethe state or property of being equivalent.equivalent fractionsTwo fractions with equal values, using a common factor to scale the numerator and denominatorfractionhow many parts of a certain size exist
a/b where a is the numerator and b is the denominatorExample calculations for the Equivalent Fractions Calculator
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