5 of our favourite Lady Gaga performances

To celebrate CelebMix’s fifth anniversary, we have taken a closer look at some of our favourite celebrities, and the different aspects that we love about them.
For this article, we have decided to share with you our top five favourite performances by Lady Gaga!
5. “Applause” (MTV Video Music Awards 2013)
In 2013, Gaga made a spectacular return to the stage following her hip injury earlier in the year, as she opened the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards with “Applause” (2013), the lead single for her fourth studio album “ARTPOP” (2013).
What a performance this was – it really takes you on a journey throughout Gaga’s career up until that point, from “The Fame” era until the beginning of the “ARTPOP” era. The costume changes throughout were a pure spectacle.
Gaga starts the performance dressed as a white square-shaped… thing of some sorts, as she performs acapella to the sound of boos. That doesn’t last long, as she shifts her way through a dazzling costume that’s a throwback to her looks in 2008/2009, before closing things off wearing a seashell bikini with brunette mermaid-esque hair.
This performance is HOW to open an award show, ladies and gentlemen. It is entertaining from start to finish and showcases Gaga’s abilities to sing live AND perform amazing choreography all at the same time.
4. “Shallow” (with Bradley Cooper) (Oscars 2019)
It’s the performance that got EVERYBODY talking. Gaga was joined by her “A Star Is Born” co-star Bradley Cooper for this electrifying performance of “Shallow” (2018) at the Oscars (Academy Awards) in 2019 – and everything about it is perfect.
First off, Gaga and Bradley’s vocal delivery during this performance is perfect. They have never sounded more better together, and this is further proof that Bradley can pull off singing live in front of a huge crowd. An actor who can sing, performing with a singer who can act.
The chemistry between the two is undeniable. Not only does this performance help to encapture the emotions between Gaga and Bradley, but also, their onscreen characters in “A Star Is Born” (Ally and Jackson Maine).
It might not be as elaborate as some of other Gaga’s performances, but it is a special one that truly showcases the talents between her and Bradley.
3. “Born This Way” (Grammys 2011)
Gaga’s first performance of “Born This Way” – the lead single for her third studio album of the same name (2011) – at the 2011 Grammy Awards shook everyone to the core. Everything about it is so awesome.
Gaga notably made her grand entrance on the Grammys red carpet inside a giant egg-shaped vessel (yes, really) and also appeared on stage in a similar fashion for this performance. She then emerged from the egg, wearing a gold bra top with matching skirt.
We love this performance so much simply because of how empowering it is – not just because of the song Gaga is performing, but the concept and execution helped portray a sense of belonging and strength towards the LGBT+ community and other minorities. The performance also ends with Gaga and her dancers putting their hands up.
Another highlight from the performance is the breakdown, when Gaga proceeds to play an organ on stage and sing a ballad version of the song’s breakdown before that explosive final chorus.
2. “Paparazzi” (MTV Video Music Awards 2009)
Just missing out on our top spot is perhaps Gaga’s first iconic performance, in which she sang “Paparazzi” (2009) at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Even 11 years on, we are gobsmacked by the shock, fear and excellence of it. This performance proved that Gaga is no one trick pony. She is here for the long haul.
Perhaps why this performance is so significant is that involves Gaga literally bleeding on stage, as theatrical blood begins to pour from her ribcage during the song’s final chorus. The performance then ends with Gaga collapsing, and her dancers hanging her to a chandelier situated just above the stage. It’s crazy yet visionary.
The choreography and Gaga’s live vocals are INSANE throughout. It’s still up there as one of her best live vocal moments. The beginning of the performance, with Gaga singing the chorus of “Poker Face” (2008) acapella, before segueing into “Paparazzi”, still gives us chills to this day
1. LI Super Bowl Halftime Show (2017)
Our number one pick for our favourite Lady Gaga performance has to be her halftime show at the LI Super Bowl in 2017 – where she performed a medley of her hits. It’s more like a mini concert, but it’s just a groundbreaking spectacle, it didn’t deserve to not be on the list.
Gaga’s entrance was absolutely iconic. She kicks off the performance by singing “God Bless America” and Woody Guthrie’s “This Is Your Land” acapella on the rooftop of the NRG stadium in Houston, before she literally jumps into the stadium with a harness attached to her.
Other highlights of the concert – sorry, performance – include playing a keyboard guitar during “Just Dance”, the epic choreography during “Born This Way” and an incredible finale performance of “Bad Romance” – where the stage erupts into flames.
Everything about this is perfect. It is up there as one of the best halftime shows to emerge from the Superbowl – it was fun, exhilarating and artistic. Gaga really is a natural born entertainer.
What is your favourite Lady Gaga performance? Let us know over on Twitter @CelebMix!